Is your lash confidence suffering? Here is how to get your mojo back
We all remember the day we decided to embark on a new career path or try something new in our business. Taking risks is scary, but essential.
We do our research and decide to get educated.
We put in the required amount of practice and then some. Finally, we are ready and showcase our newfound skills to the world.
So, there should be a sense of accomplishment when we reach these milestones right? Not always.
Instead we can feel doubt, insecurity and might ask ourselves these questions.
- Why do don't I measure up?
- Why do other lash techs make this look so easy?
- Will I ever be satisfied with my accomplishments?
- How long will it take me actually to make money?
- Will my clients leave me or will they return?
These are all natural emotions to feel in this situation. So let's break these feelings down.
How Confident Are You?
From 1-10, how confident do you feel right now? Let's take a deep dive.
The following are just a few of the confidence-building questions I'd like to take a look at today. By digging deeper into our emotions, we can understand what makes our confidence soar.
"Why doesn't my work measure up to others portfolios?
"I have seen other artist's work, and I will never be as good as them."
Guess what? You may not ever be as good. But does that even matter?
The key is never to compare yourself to anyone else.
You are on your journey.
You only have to gain the trust of your clients.
Plus, your clients come to you for a specific reason. They might like your technique, compassion, and easy-going attitude, or they might like how fabulous they feel after they leave their service.
Now back to the question, why do others make everything look so easy?
Whenever I conduct training and demonstrate my lashing technique, someone always says, "Wow, you make that look so effortless." Well, after seven years, it better look that way.
The trick is to get in the "zone." It's almost like meditating, you find peace, a center, and you become calm and get about creating your masterpiece. This zone is also known as having a good flowin your business.
Whenever you push past the "I'm not in the mood" feeling, you build your confidence. This is because you know you can get whatever you need to get done and will do it beautifully.
Will I Ever be Satisfied with My Portfolio of Work?
The answer is probably not. You will always want to grow, be faster, and more creative with your work.
Us creative types; we are our own worst critics.
We want the best lighting, the latest tools, and the best salons and studios. As lash entrepreneurs, we want to embody that fabulous lifestyle that everyone envies.
But here's the thing. In my experience, clients won't get hung up on the esthetics; if what you offer is clean and welcoming, that's all that matters.
It's always good to strive to better ourselves, just not at the expense of your confidence.
OK, so now the last question:
How Long Before I Make a Substantial Income?
One of the biggest things that can affect our confidence is the compensation aspect of the business. As you build your skills and brand, it is necessary to keep things in perspective.
Patience is essential here. Just when you feel like you are about to throw in the towel, a client sends you some referrals or posts a raving review on Instagram.
Your confidence soars, and then you are on your way to owning your worth. Clients that are genuinely your clients will stay loyal to you. This will build your self esteem.
Lastly, Ask Yourself The Hard Questions.
When you find your confidence wavering, consider putting strategies in place to make improvements where necessary, but don't beat yourself up. Confidence builds more confidence.
I know that those who put in the hard work perfect your skill, treat your clients with compassion and respect and become more confident in your craft.
Just know in the end, you are the only one who walks your path. You are awesome!